Cabin coffee

img_2515.jpgThis is how I make my coffee: I put some ground coffee in a one liter Nalgene bottle and add boiling water. When the coffee grounds sink to the bottom, after a few minutes, I pour some of it into a cup and drink.

This works really well for me because my cabin is often literally freezing in the mornings and the hot Nalgene bottle serves double duty as a hot water bottle to warm me up while it brews my coffee.

Don’t worry about the Nalgene bottle getting soft and a little deformed; it will pop back and regain it’s original shape later. I have poured boiling water into Nalgene bottles hundreds if not thousands of times and have never had one fail me.

Related post: The better Nalgene 

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Hermit, long distance hiker, primitive cabin dweller, seeker.

4 thoughts on “Cabin coffee”

  1. Hey Carolyn,

    Your blog is one of my regular reads now.

    Well, yeah you could put the ground coffee in a mug and pour boiling water over it but by the time it brewed, your coffee would be cold. Also then all the grounds would be in the bottom of your cup instead of the bottom of your Nalgene. So then if you wanted another cup you would have to crawl out of your sleeping bag, rinse the grounds out your cup, and make another one. Which besides being a big inconvenience, it uses more water which I don’t have much of.

    This way, you pull out the hot nalgene bottle of coffee that you have stored in your sleeping bag and pour your self another cup.

    Using the liter nalgene gives me a hot water bottle to snuggle up with on cold mornings and it lets me brew a whole litter instead of a cup.

    I knew I should have made a drawing.

  2. Crow,

    oh! now the nalgene bottle makes sense to me. I’m just a one cup of coffee kind of person. And i’m glad you’re enjoying my blog. You’re a regular stop for me now too (have to update those links soon)

    Carolyn H.

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