Hey from town. I spent half a day digging my truck out of the snow and trying to unfreeze the lock on my gate but I have a wedding to go to so out I must go.
What a great winter it has been. Not having a phone and Internet was a good move for my growth.
Not having the spring running was so eaisily solved by melting the snow that was right outside my door. Once you give up wanting things a certain way, it’s amazing how easy life is.
I had plenty of heat thanks to a load of tamarack rounds I had dropped off right outside of my cabin at the 11th hour.
I wasn’t really worried..
Welcome back Crow. It was a pleasant surprise to find that you’d posted once more. Bows. P.
Welcome back Crow, I missed reading your blog. I hope all goes well at the wedding and I’m glad to hear you made it through the winter alive 🙂