Alternative Christmas tree.

Once, while living in Portland, Oregon, a big wind storm came up. The next day at my work place on the river I saw all these tumbleweeds that must have blown all the way from the Eastern Oregon. There was one that was particularly big. I opened up my hatchback of my Justy and tried to shove it in. I could just about get it all in if I left the hatchback open but I was afraid that it would blow out as soon as I started driving. I went home and got my son to come back with me and he sat in the front seat and reached back and held the big tumble weed in. Getting it in the door, of my house ,was sort of hard and the floor was littered with tumble weed remains. Finally I got it in the living room where it took up a great deal of real estate. I wove red Christmas lights all through the branches and then hung it up on the wall. It was beautiful.tumbleweed.jpg

After it had been up for about 6 months someone talked me in to getting rid of it. I took off the lights and kicked it out the door, thinking that I would be able to find another, come Christmas time. I never saw another tumble weed in Portland, again.

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Hermit, long distance hiker, primitive cabin dweller, seeker.

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