Plowing the road part 2

The road still hasn’t been plowed. Apparently there was too much snow for the grader, so he is supposed to bring in a dozer today. I was down at the mailboxes at noon and he still hadn’t come yet. There were still two vehicles stuck and those people were down there waiting for the dozer to come and pull them out. Then another neighbor got stuck and I had an opportunity to meet her. Most days on my walk I never see anyone. This is sort of weird, all this social activity on my walk.

cabin-779.jpgThis big bull was coming down our road. It’s open range out here, which means that the cows can go wherever they want. They can walk into your cabin, lay down on your couch, and eat your popcorn. This black cow can stand in the middle of the road at night and if you hit it, you have to pay for the cow. The open range laws are archaic, unfair and hard on the environment. There is only one family in the area that has free roaming cows and everyone hates them. Those people cut our fences and our locks on our gates. They drink beer and throw the cans on the ground. They are mean, ugly and rude. Reportedly, people shoot at the cows to get them off of their property so when the cows see a person they usually flee; it’s pretty easy to run them off. You would think a person would bring their cows in, in the winter. What’s this cow supposed to eat with snow on top of everything?

Cow tip of the day: When I see cows on my property I scream, flail my arms about, and run after them. If I can get one cow to run the rest of them follow and they all run away. Sometimes, when I see a bunch of people, I think it would be fun to see if it would work with humans, too.  Note: It’s not as easy when it’s just one cow. Someone told me I should be careful about chasing lone (rouge) cows.

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Hermit, long distance hiker, primitive cabin dweller, seeker.

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