The mid-winter doldrums

Too late to be hibernating too early to be hiking. Seems like winter should be over. I’ve watched something like 150 DVD’s from Netflick this winter, all the deleted scenes and director commentaries too. Most of them have been documentaries but some independent and foreign. I think I’m pretty much caught up on what’s happening in the video media. I’ve watched most of the  DVD’s that interest me and have had to look harder for stuff to add to my queue.   I started looking through the TV shows for some possible picks.  My two favorite have been, and this is just weird, “The Dog Whisperer” and “Project Runway”. I don’t have a dog and I own two outfits, three if you count rain gear as an outfit, but for some reason I’m just entranced by both shows.

On “The Dog Whisperer” this guy comes to a house with an unruly dog, puts a leash on it, takes it for a walk and, poof, the dog is well behaved. On Project Runway, all these flamboyant designers design outfits but there is always some sort of challenge. Like they will take them to a grocery store and give them 30 minutes to pick out the material for an outfit. Then they get something like 6 hours to design and sew an outfit out of what ever they bought. Next, they get a model who models it on a runway in front of these judges that say stuff like, “ho hum, another garbage bag dress? It’s been done.” And, “In fashion you are either in or you are out and you are out. Auf Wiedersehen.”

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Hermit, long distance hiker, primitive cabin dweller, seeker.

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