Great new discovery about my truck.

I had my tape measure in my hand and was loading up my pickup to go out and cut some more wood, when I started thinking about how much more functional my Nissan extended cab pickup would be if I removed the passenger seat.

I thought there might even be enough space to stretch out and lay down there. I measured the space and sure enough, there looked to be enough room for a person who was 5’ 7�.

When I try to recline the seats back in my truck, the headrest touches the back of the cab, keeping it from fully reclining and making for an uncomfortable night.

I looked at the headrest and thought, “It would be good if you could remove the head rest.� Then I noticed a little button on the side of the headrest and pushed it and the headrest popped out.

Once the headrest was removed, the seat reclined fully.

I  got a pillow and reclined in my truck for a bit. I laid there for a while and imagined living in the cab of my Nissan.

After awhile I got up and went back to my woodcutting.

Published by


Hermit, long distance hiker, primitive cabin dweller, seeker.

3 thoughts on “Great new discovery about my truck.”

  1. Oh, me too. I wouldn’t own a vehicle I couldn’t sleep in. When ever I look at a vehicle, I’m always sizing up it’s ability to be converted into a living/sleeping space.

    I did live in the back of my truck for awhile but now the back of my truck is usually full of stuff.

    I have a cap on my truck bed, but once I took it off to haul a couch and before I put it back on, the bed liner blew away. Ever since then, spray from the road gets in the bed and it smells a little like exhaust back there.

    So, finding away to sleep comfortably in the cab was a good discovery.

  2. I’m sure there are many people out there who need or want to sleep in their vehicles for any number of reasons, so I’m not sure why someone hasn’t come up with auto and truck accessories that offer a way to replace stock seating with a really comfortable bed that can go flat or recline, or even be a regular seat. Seems to me like there’s a market for such an item.

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