My garden.

Whoo hoo!  I’m a farmer!

Spring is coming. I know this not because it usually does around this time of year, but because the cabbage I bought at the Barter Fair in October is starting to sprout. From the looks of things, I should have many cabbages. Then I can trade them at the Barter Fair for something I eat.

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Hermit, long distance hiker, primitive cabin dweller, seeker.

3 thoughts on “My garden.”

  1. heh. how much could you get for a cabbage? btw, the backcountryoutlet blog said exactly the same thing as you did about that tent w/o a floor. nice and light, but pray to God it doesn’t rain!

  2. I paid a lot for that cabbage. I don’t remember how much, but a lot. It was organic and I was buying it from the person that grew it and at the time I thought, “Who couldn’t use a cabbage.” I was out in a big field with all these old hippies selling stuff and I guess I just got carried away in the moment.

    I brought a wagon with me to pull around the stuff I was buying. Some people pulled around wagons of stuff they were selling so it was hard to tell who was buying and who was selling. As I rolled my cabbage passed the person selling socks he said, “Will trade for cabbage. ” I should of gone for the socks.

    About the tent– It may be an okay tent, I just like a floor in my tent. The way he shows the tent on his site, I didn’t realize it didn’t have a floor until I “moused over it”.

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