I have something to say….

Maybe you read, “A Walk in the Woods”, and when Katz throws his food over the mountain, thought, “What an idiot to not realize that he is jeopardizing the safety of animals and other hikers.”  Well, apparently some people thought “A Walk in the Woods” was not a comical tale of two inexperienced hikers stumbling down the trail, but rather a manual on how to hike, and filed that bit of information away under, “Tips for when your pack is too heavy.”

As a PSA, I would like to emphasize that when you are out backpacking, it is not okay to fling your English muffins off the mountainside because you don’t want to carry them.

“The California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) cautions everyone that feeding wildlife, whether directly or indirectly, is never a good idea. Problems from wildlife often increase with the availability of food, and feeding could result in an attack, damaged property, and often the death of the animal. “

Yeah, I’ve been reading trail journals….sad, sad, sad…..

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Hermit, long distance hiker, primitive cabin dweller, seeker.

One thought on “I have something to say….”

  1. lol. i didn’t even think about the safety of other hikers and the wildlife. i thought about the safety of katz and bryson.

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