- I think I’m close to mile 1882. I passed up some great campsites with a views for this dark hole in the woods. #
- I hiked with a section hiker named Ism, today. He said he was a bilble thumper. #
- I haven’t seen any of those thru-hikers I saw in Crater Lake. #
- It’s weird the way I can see lots of hikers in town and no one on the trail. #
- Goodnight. #
- You know where I figure I will end up tomorrow night? Right where that bear came after me last year. #
- It’s late but I’m still lying in the hole I went to sleep in. #
- It’s hard for my to get moving, lately, in the mornings. #
- Someday I might take a zero day and sleep all day. #
- Okay, no more fooling around. Time to hike. #