- Goodnight from some where around mile 1917. Tonight’s camp site is not great–a hole again. #
- One thing for sure, this is not an established camp site. Probably, I’m the first hiker to recognize it’s potential. #
- I met Mother Goose, today. She was on the trail last year too. We may hike the Grand Enchantment Trail together. #
- A deer saw me today and came trotting down the trail towards me. The wildlife out here is far to comfortable with humans. #
- All this sleeping in has revealed many pin holes in my shelter. I patch them with duct tape but I hope it doesn’t rain. #
- With the help of lots of duct tape I have the collar of my pack reattached. There are also many duct tape patches on my bag. #
- This may be the last thru-hike for this gear. I need to learn to make my own gear. I’m always thinking of designs. #
- One thing for sure, if I don’t get up I won’t get anywhere. Time to hike! #
- As of last night, I’m 103 miles ahead of schedule. Whoo Hoo! #
You have been in my old neighborhood! Welcome to the northwest were hiking is part of the lifestyle.