- Standing on the top of the observatory at McKenzie Pass. Mile 1990 #
- There was lots of snow today. I lost the trail a couple of times. #
- It rained last night and was foggy most of the day. It didn’t feel like August. #
- Onward now. #
- Sitting along side the highway, hoping some one will stop and give me a ride to Sisters. #
- But no one will 🙁 #
- Damn humanity. #
- Probably better to start walking than to lay curses on every one that passes me by. #
- These people are lucky I’m not an avenging god. #
- Okay, humanity has redeemed its self and I’m at the McDonalds in Sisters. #
- I’m sleepy and dirty. I’m tempted to get a room. A room cost 100 dollars in this town. #
- Man am I styling. I got a great room at the Best Western. #
- Had my first bath since Lone Pine, 1200 miles ago. So nice. #
Congratulations on your bath! They do feel wonderful every now and again!
Carolyn H.