Category: twitters
Trail Twitter
- Standing on the top of the observatory at McKenzie Pass. Mile 1990 #
- There was lots of snow today. I lost the trail a couple of times. #
- It rained last night and was foggy most of the day. It didn’t feel like August. #
- Onward now. #
- Sitting along side the highway, hoping some one will stop and give me a ride to Sisters. #
- But no one will 🙁 #
- Damn humanity. #
- Probably better to start walking than to lay curses on every one that passes me by. #
- These people are lucky I’m not an avenging god. #
- Okay, humanity has redeemed its self and I’m at the McDonalds in Sisters. #
- I’m sleepy and dirty. I’m tempted to get a room. A room cost 100 dollars in this town. #
- Man am I styling. I got a great room at the Best Western. #
- Had my first bath since Lone Pine, 1200 miles ago. So nice. #
Trail Twitter
Trail Twitter
- Goodnight from some where around mile 1917. Tonight’s camp site is not great–a hole again. #
- One thing for sure, this is not an established camp site. Probably, I’m the first hiker to recognize it’s potential. #
- I met Mother Goose, today. She was on the trail last year too. We may hike the Grand Enchantment Trail together. #
- A deer saw me today and came trotting down the trail towards me. The wildlife out here is far to comfortable with humans. #
- All this sleeping in has revealed many pin holes in my shelter. I patch them with duct tape but I hope it doesn’t rain. #
- With the help of lots of duct tape I have the collar of my pack reattached. There are also many duct tape patches on my bag. #
- This may be the last thru-hike for this gear. I need to learn to make my own gear. I’m always thinking of designs. #
- One thing for sure, if I don’t get up I won’t get anywhere. Time to hike! #
- As of last night, I’m 103 miles ahead of schedule. Whoo Hoo! #
Trail Twitter
- I think I’m close to mile 1882. I passed up some great campsites with a views for this dark hole in the woods. #
- I hiked with a section hiker named Ism, today. He said he was a bilble thumper. #
- I haven’t seen any of those thru-hikers I saw in Crater Lake. #
- It’s weird the way I can see lots of hikers in town and no one on the trail. #
- Goodnight. #
- You know where I figure I will end up tomorrow night? Right where that bear came after me last year. #
- It’s late but I’m still lying in the hole I went to sleep in. #
- It’s hard for my to get moving, lately, in the mornings. #
- Someday I might take a zero day and sleep all day. #
- Okay, no more fooling around. Time to hike. #
Trail Twitter
- There is still quite a bit of snow around here. #
Trail Twitter
Trail Twitter
- Goodnight from mile 1763. #
- At 4am I woke up and ate breakfast. It’s now 6:30 and I’m still in my bag. #
- The leapfroggers just went by. Maybe I can avoid them if I stay in my bag a little longer. #
- That’s the problem with Oregon. Everyone is doing 30s now so it’s harder to lose people. #
- I lost the last leapfroggers when they went in to Ashland and I didn’t. There aren’t many towns in Oregon along the trail. #
- Laying in a meadow surrounded by big trees. I’m going hiking now. Bye! #
- Sitting in an andorak chair on the edge of Lake of the Woods, drinking OJ. #
- I couldn’t stand another day of leapfrogging. #
- So I took an alternate route. This route is 2 miles shorter and includes a restaurant. #
- After this I head up to the Sky Lakes Wilderness before rejoining the PCT. #
- This place is like visiting a people zoo. #
- Whoa, there is a 9 year old with a big knife. #
- Now he’s sucking his thumb. I think he cut it. #
- Time to get walking. #
Trail Twitter
- This is backpack number 2 that has failed this trip. #
- Resting again. I don’t feel like hiking. It’s too hot. #
- Next time, I may hike the road. #
- Well I guess I better get hiking. I’d like to do 33 mile days through Oregon. #
- They both go the same place. #
- My feet are in bad shape; they look like big black bear paws. #
- Having some motivational problems today. I think it’s because of Ashland. Once I get pass it, I bet I feel better. #
- Goodnight from a top a windy crest. #
- Someone told me to always pitch my tent so my feet face the wind. It works but the view isn’t always the best, that way. #
- My feet are greased up and in plastic bags in hopes that in the morning the will be better. #
- Hey from Hyatt Lake (1750). Stopping in for pizza. #
- There are hikers on the trail that I keep leap frogging with. That is so annoying #
Trail Twitter
- Hey from mile 1690 minus 155 miles for fire closures. #
- Oregon! #
- Goodnight. #
- Hey.from mile 1705, minus 150 miles of trail closures because of different fires. #
- It was hot and smoky in Seiad Valley. It was hard to breathe but 6 miles out and up, the air became clear and cool. . #
- Sitting on the crest drinking a Mountain Dew that was left in an ice chest along the trail. #
- Lunch time–peanut butter, red onion, cheese, and potato chips burrito. . Highly recommended. #
- The collar on my backpack is almost completely ripped off. I have lots of duct tape and safety pins holding it on. #
- If it rains, my backpack will fill with water. #
- This little section follows a road. But the trail goes up and down and around and then back down to the same road. #
- It’s a little fustrating. The road is flat the trail is a roller coaster. #
Trail Twitter
- I made it to Etna Summit(mile 1606) where the trail is yet again closed. #
- A woman picked me up right away, bought me lunch and got her friend to take me to Yreka where I’m waiting for the bus. #
- to Siead Valley. #
- I went crazy in the good grocery store and now have a resupply that won’t fit in my pack. #
- I also have three trays of sushi, frozen berries and yogurt. #
- I am so dirty and smelly but everyone pretends that I’m normal. #
- The last 100 miles have been really beautiful. #
- I saw a helicopter carrying what I believe was a bag of water. It gets really smoky at night #
Trail Twitter
Trail Twitter
- Made it! #
- I resuppied last night but I think I will wait around for the store to open so I can have a cup of coffee. #
- Waking up in Castle Crags campground. If you plan to stay here, I suggest you bring ear plugs and benedyl. Very loud. #
- I’m at mile 1506.5 #
- 100 miles ahead, there is another closure because of fires. It’s the 50 miles from Etna Summit to Seiad Valley. #
- If you had to walk the 2.8 miles from the trail to Castela, you can take the Flume Trail back to the PCT. Take note. #
- I wish I could lay here in my bag and drink coffee, but the coffee is about a quarter of a mile away. #
- Guess I should get of my bag, pack up, get my coffee and hit the trail. #
- waiting for them to brew the coffee. #
- I probally shouldn’t have passed up another .50 cent shower. #
- But Hops took a shower and he said it made him want to go back to sleep. #
- I’ve moved my coffee drinking down the road and beside the river. It was too loud and unpleasant at the store. #
- Ok, me go hiking now. Bye. #
Trail Twitter
- Trying hard to make Castella. Well, not that hard. But trying. #