The sparkle returns.

It’s finally happened, I have tired of movies. I can’t make myself go down and mail movies or pick up the one that has been sitting in my mailbox. I whine, “Nooo, not another movie.” Good thing I have found something else to motivate me to walk–another PCT(Pacific Crest Trail) hike.

Many times a day I find my mind back on the PCT. I try to get excited about other hikes, but when I think about being back on the PCT, my world becomes brighter and starts to sparkle and my body hums. Seems crazy to want to hike the same hike over and over but life is so good out there.

If I had a purpose it wouldn’t seem so crazy, so, Laen Finehack had this idea for a way to create a trail guide using a GPS data logger and a small digital camera. The GPS runs constantly, recording my position. When I see something I want to record for the trail guide, I take a picture of it. The camera puts a date/time stamp on the photo. Put the data from the data logger and the data from the photos together and I have a trail guide.

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Hermit, long distance hiker, primitive cabin dweller, seeker.

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