Giving up my attachment to the computer

I didn’t call the solar guy about my malfunctioning solar system. The charger is dead. The batteries aren’t taking or holding a full charge.

My laptop battery has been blinking with a code that means “replace soon�; it only holds ½ the charge it used to.

I just can’t make myself buy new stuff. The winter is about over and I don’t know if I’ll be here next winter so I’m not going to throw a bunch of money at the system. I’m not even sure I want a system.

My son is setting up everything on my two-watt OLPC laptop, and will send it back to me for my birthday.

When the sun shines, I can use my laptop. If there is something, I want to do and the sun isn’t shining, I can run the laptop off the generator. Just no more days spent aimlessly wandering on the computer; do what I want on it and get off.

I feel relief, like I’m getting my life back. Once again, I have time.

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Hermit, long distance hiker, primitive cabin dweller, seeker.

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