
Out where I live, it’s legal for cows to go anywhere they want. You can spend thousands fencing your property in a four string barbed wire fence and hanging up “no trespassing” signs but people will just cut your fences and drive right through them. They say they are looking for their cows but they are poaching game. Lots of people poach out here. They say they need the food but I say, “Why don’t you kill a cow then?” Some people do kill the cows but mostly the cows just spend their whole lives roaming around like they own the place—which is not to far from the truth.

I don’t want cows around my cabin so I get rid off them by screaming and running after them when I see them. Sometimes in the middle of the night, I will wake up and just sense things are not right. I know that means there are cows surrounding my cabin. I throw open the window and scream, “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArh! GET OUT OF HERE!” It works. The last time it happened, my son was up visiting me. I forgot that he was serenely sleeping six feet away from me on the guest couch, when I threw open the window and screamed. He woke up screaming. We laughed a long time about that.

It doesn’t work with the bulls though. Once I came home to find a bull outside my cabin. I screamed and ran after it but it didn’t budge. So I started honking my horn at it—still nothing. I got into my truck and ran at it—it waited until the last minute to move; it didn’t run, it just moved a little. I got my big wash pan and stood there banging it and finally the bull moved on.

The other day I was walking down a one-lane dirt road with fences on both side of it, when I met a bull. We both stopped and looked at each other. I yelled, “Get out of here!â€? It didn’t move. So I picked up a big rock. It looked a little worried and started to turn around but then it changed it’s mind. Finally after a long while of both of us not moving, we just walked pass each other, him going his way and me going mine. He had an obstinate nature that rivaled mine own—in a strange way it was like looking in a mirror.

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Hermit, long distance hiker, primitive cabin dweller, seeker.

2 thoughts on “Cows”

  1. if i had a cow problem i’d try a paint ball gun on them. just a thought. — guess you’ll be off soon… have a great hike crow!


  2. Ha! One neighbor suggested that we all get paint ball guns and each of us get our own color of paint balls. Then we could see where the cows have been.

    Sometimes I feel bad for harassing the cows; it’s not their fault.

    I won’t be leaving for another month and a half. There is quite a bit of snow on the PCT, so no sense leaving too early.



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