Everyone can be wrong (and they often are)

If you ever have have an idea that goes against what everyone else is saying, you should know that everyone else can be wrong.   In fact they most often are.. why?  Because people in society are not meant to think.   They are meant to follow and receive  instruction.    It keeps everyone going in the same direction, making the same mistakes but all agreeing that they are right.   Whole societies are built around bad ideas.

This is vibrantly illustrated to me on the trail when on the rare occasion I hike with someone for  awhile and they want to believe they are on the right trail even though they have no proof and I’m feeling unsure.   When I question whether or not  we are on the right trail or I take out my map, they act exasperated.

“We may be lost, but we’re making good time.”

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Hermit, long distance hiker, primitive cabin dweller, seeker.

3 thoughts on “Everyone can be wrong (and they often are)”

  1. Oh, yes. If it’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that conventional wisdom usually isn’t very wise and is all too conventional. I suppose it’s good enough for people who are either too scared or too lazy to think for themselves. I prefer to go against the grain and frequently find much good in things that aren’t conventionally wise.

    Carolyn H

  2. Don’t follow instructions. Suspect instructions. They are
    something to be wary of. They will write instructions when
    they want you to do something. They want you to do what they
    want you to do. Instructions are broken down in small steps.
    When you make small steps, you become a smaller person. When
    you become smaller, you need instructions to tell you where
    to go and what to do. Those who give you instructions are
    not doing anything. They are instructing you so you can do
    something for them. Suspect instructions. They are something
    to be wary of. Instructions are very detailed and leave
    nothing to chance. Serendipity is the enemy of the narrow
    and the organized. Random behavior leads to irregularities.
    Breakdowns in the system lead to chaos and confusion. If
    everyone is confused, they will have to write many, many
    more instructions. Don’t follow instructions. Instructions
    are something to be wary of. If you follow instructions, you
    cannot do the things you want to do.

  3. More often than not, this whole drama gets played out entirely in my own head.

    The times I have gotten lost — without exception — are times when I was completely sure of where I was. Not just sure, but aggressively, defensively sure. Anyone, including my own inner voices, who said otherwise was just trying to keep me down, and disrespect my skills.

    When I actually do know where I am, there is no defensiveness, and I don’t care who looks at the map.

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