- Water at WA1243 is 1/3 mile off trail. #
- WA1232 is a small pond below the trail off trail. #
- WA1216 water is off trail. Did not find it. #
- But other hikers did. #
- Water 1212 is a crapy off trail pond called Summit Lake. #
- Charged by mountain bikers on the PCT! #
- Though WA1182 is off trail and difficult to get to, there are many unmarked, on trail water sources north. #
- Sleeping on the crest tonight. Big views and a big moon. 1176 3 bars. #
- Very cold and windy night up on the crest. #
- I think I'll ditch this phone at echo lake. #
- 1176 full service #
- 1168 4 bars #
Author: crow
Hermit, long distance hiker, primitive cabin dweller, seeker.
News from the trail
I’m at a new trail angel’s place called the Red Moose Inn in Sierra City—super nice people.
Barefoot and Chacos did not feel that great, Chacos and vibrams have not been that great either… my feet really hurt some of the day. I hope the shoes I have in Echo Lake improve things.
Yesterday, north of Sierra City, I was charged by a bunch of mountain bicyclists but I held my ground and yelled at them. They laughed and biked on. There were vans with the name of YUMA on the side that brings people up….they may be responsible this plague .
Still meeting north bounders who are confident that they will make the border this year. Their optimism is creepy.
That’s all.
Trail Twitter
- Water at wa1322 is 1/2 mile off trail. #
- Water at wa 1308 is 300 ft off trail. #
- It's a little ways off trail but there is a sign. #
- Poison spring is further north than waypoint wa1302. #
- Still meeting northbounders. #
- Northbounders who started in April. #
- Mile 1286 one bar. #
- Beldon was open for business at 8am. I've never seen that before. #
Trail Twitter
Trail Twitter
- 1341.3. 2 bars. #
- Spending more time laying in the shade than hiking. #
- Still meeting northbounders. #
- Hitching in to Chester. So far not one car has been by. #
- Mile 1334. 3-4 bars. #
- The only other time I've been to Chester, I got there on a bus because of a fire closure. #
- "Piper's Mom" left a message at the trailhead offering rides. I might try her after awhile. #
- Pieper's Mom was busy fixing breakfast for a hiker but sounds like someone is coming. #
- I should have gone in last night. But didn't want the hassle of hitching in, resupplying, and hitching out that late. #
- I should have sent more to drakesbad than I did. #
- Breakfast in town. #
- The barefoot thing is not working for me. #
- Neither is the no caffine rule. #
- I'd like a dose of caffine, some music, and some shoes. #
- Shoes and music are coming to Echo Lake……I picked up some instant coffee in town. #
- How far I have fallen. #
- "Piper's Mom" gave me a ride back to the trail. #
- She was bringing another hiker back to the trail. A young man who started 3.5 months ago. #
- Among his possisions was, I kid you not, a big rock. #
- He says someone gave it to him and he doesn't mind the weight. #
- 1331 2 bars. #
Trail Twitter
Trail Twitter
- Good News! New northbounders reporting cache has been restocked. #
- 8 Northbounders today. #
- 1408.3. 2 bars. #
- More good news, cloud cover and a nice breeze. #
- Hat Creek Rim is beautiful and dramatic tonight. #
- It's one of my favorite places on the trail. #
- 1402.5. 4 bars. #
- My feet kept me all night. They wouldn't quit screaming. #
- New Chacos are on the way. I can't adjust the staps on the ones I'm wearing #
- So the squeeze my swollen foot. #
- If I can hobble along another 2 weeks I have real shoes in my drift box. #
- Mile 1394.5. #
- 1394.5 2 bars. #
Trail Twitter
- No water at WA1435. #
- Hey from Burney Falls camp store. 1423. Low signal #
- If you are in pain at Burney Falls, pain relivers will cost you 1.49 for two pills! #
- Also I saw a bear. #
- I saw a really big rattle snake on the trail today. #
- 1418.3. 3 bars. #
- I think I broke my little toe. #
- Northbounders are saying the big chache on the Hat Rim section is bone dry. #
- That means 30 miles without water. #
- Mile 1414 4 bars. #
- Wishing I had bought some of those pain relievers. #
- Mile 1411.5. Low signal. #
Trail Twitter
Trail Twitter
Trail Twitter
- Hey from the PCT hiker site at Castle Craigs Park. 3 bars. #
- The Sign says only 1487 miles to Mexico. #
- I miss my cushy shoes, caffine, and music, but I'm trying something new this trip. #
- I'm marking unmarked water and noting dry water sources. #
- Also updating town info. #
- Yesterday the trail was clogged with nortbounders but there were only 2 other hikers at hiker site. #
- They tried to leave yesterday but got lost and came back. #
- With the freeway, the trains, and the people, Castle Craigs State Park is the loudest place to sleep. #
- But I'm still having a hard time getting out of here. #
Trail Twitter
- Though I did find water at 1577, there are a couple of unmarked water sources further north that have better water. #
- Including a piped spring. #
- Though there is water at wa1671b there isn't any at WA1671. #
- Hey from mile 1536.5. 2 bars of service. #
- I'm so happy to be hiking south. Meeting lots a northbounders, but that should fade soon. #
- I'd liked to get some more miles in, but I'm sitting at the best view campsite. #
- Looking at Mt Shasta while the sun sets on my back. #
Trail Twitter
- Mile 1604—2 bars. #
- Made it out of town and back on the trail. #
- I'm taking it slow and enjoying a lot of naps on the crest #
- I've met two couples who plan to go through the Sierras in October. #
- That sounds pretty late to me but what do I know about it. #
- I'm hiking some in Chacos, some barefoot, and some in Vibram 5 Fingers. #
Trail Twitter
- Trail report: conditions good Ashland to Siead Valley. #
- Siead Valley store open from 7-7 daily. Cafe open from 7-2 daily. Rv park $10 a night $5 package fee waived if spending the night #
- All water sources between Ashland and Siead Valley running. #
- Buckhorn spring –mile 1641 between Siead Valley and Etna Summit section Q is either dry or off trail. I looked around for it but didn' … #
- Hey from Etna. #
- Mile 1607 #
- The Marbles are harder going south. #
- Trail good between Siead Valley and Etna good. #