I have a bunch of food, water, and fire wood.
I bought a tarp. I’m going to lay the tarp out and harvest the snow off it until there is a good build up of snow on the ground so I don’t scoop up dirt.
I have a phone and dial up Internet.
I started up Netflix; they are offering 2 weeks free to new and past customers. I think I’ll keep it going for a while because it keeps me walking, since my mailbox is 2.5 miles away. I get 5 miles in on days I just need to pickup or send a movie but on days that I need to do both, I walk a 7 mile loop and mail the movie at a mailbox that gets later pickup.

In my quest for pain free feet, I have purchased a discounted pair of MBT shoes… They are the weirdest shoes ever. They are rocking shoes. For sure, my feet don’t hurt a bit in them but they kind of stress the rest of my body. They also weigh 3lbs.…. Jury’s still out on this one. Mine didn’t come with the instructional DVD so I might be using them wrong.
I purchased a refurbished sewing machine for 75 dollars that a reader recommended. So far I have wound the bobbin, threaded the machine and did a bomber repair job on my pants. I have rented Project Runway from Netflix to get inspired: “Okay, designers, your challenge is to make something functional, comfortable, and beautiful, using only the materials you find in this primitive cabin. You have only a limited amount of gasoline to run the generator that will power your sewing machine. You have one spool of thread and a pair of kitchen scissors. Make it work!”
I have a list of twenty good habits I’m instilling in me.
I have some books the library mailed me to read.
It really makes a more interesting winter without Internet, movies, or books but I think it’ll be a good winter.